Trying a class with a single class payment

Participating in a class

If you wish to go and try a dance class without commitment, do not fill in the registration form. Instead participate in the class with a single class payment. A sent registration cannot be changed to a single class afterwards.

Make the payment beforehand and give (or show on your mobile device) the receipt of the payment to the teacher when you come to class. 

Please note, that making the single class payment does not reserve a place on the class, and classes which are marked as full on the website cannot be participated with the single class payment. Please note also, that teachers cannot take in students if the maximum number of students in the class is exceeded.

If the class is suitable and you wish to continue the course after the single class, please fill in the registration form. The registration is binding.

Paying a class

Single classes are paid in advance to the account of Helsingin tanssiopisto: FI15 1016 3000 7030 60 (BIC: NDEAFIHH). On the text field you can write ”single class”, date of the class, name of the class and class code. Print the receipt of the payment or prepare to show the receipt on your mobile device in class.

Price of the single class

Do not fill in a registration form for single classes.

Length 30min 45min 60min 75min 90min
Price 9 € 15 € 19 € 21 € 23 €